31. c 'Indictments' means 'charges' or 'accusations'. One
can get a clue from the word ' disorder' in the sentence.
Refer to the line 'In his ten indictments of global
capitalism, he also makes it very clear that he
subscribes to a broadly Marxist view of the sources
of the disorder'.
32. c Refer to the last lines in paragraph 3 "one might call
a politely tentative gesturing towards a possible
handshake with the nettle". This makes option (c)
correct. The word 'nettle' means a prickly/stinging plant.
33. a Refer to the lines in the first paragraph "For there is
surely an element of irony…a certain rehabilitation of
Marx". This makes option (a) something the author
would agree with. Options (b) and (c) are Derrida's
views in paragraph 4. The author has not supported
these views explicitly. Option (d) is incorrect as the
author questions Derrida in paragraph 3 " But how far,
in any case, is this coming back to Marx a genuinely
new event" – which means that this coming to Marx by
Derrida may not be an entirely new thing. Also, Derrida
has given some indication earlier of 'a handshake'.
Refer to the last lines of paragraph 2.