Simple Game - When I post a question - You have to post the correct answer before anybody else can .
If somebody beats you then the winner gets the next question till he gets beaten in turn by somebody else
an so on..
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Well ! That is all for today folks !! Hope you enjoyed the session and learnt a few things! Great participation.. and the top performer would bePrashant Singh Chauhan for the day ! See you with anew challenge soon ! Good Night !
Let us know what topics you would like to be challenged on
Though I am posting solutions - much shorter solutions can be worked out
Prashant Singh Chauhan - 4th one
An equilateral triangle ABC of side 40 cm is cut into two pieces in such a way that one piece is an
equilateral triangle containing the vertex A and the second piece is a trapezium. Two such trapeziums
are placed beside each other to form a parallelogram. What is the perimeter (in cm) of the...
And that is a hat trick ! Congratulations Prashant Singh Chauhan
Congratulations Prashant Singh Chauhan - Second person to defend Title ~ after Sourav Dandapat
Ankit Singh beaten by seconds and the baton goes to Prashant Singh Chauhan
The first 23 natural numbers are written in increasing order beside each other to form a single
number. What is the remainder when this number is divided by 18?
(a) 1 (b) 6 (c) 12 (d) 15
That was 2 from ADURO in a row and I swear I did not leak any questions
tongue emoticon
That was Superb - Sourav Dandapat and from Bhutan at grin emoticon
That was 2 from ADURO in a row and I swear I did not leak any questions tongue emoticon

Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed shared his event.
For those who missed yesterday - The story till now -
Akhilesh Rathore and Rahul Khandelwal were in the lead yesterday . Let's see what happens today
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