Thursday, 14 April 2016

OAs - VARC 13.04.16

23. d In the passage, the author uses all the elements mentioned in
the answer options. The author with reference to Freud's
analogy of the iceberg uses analogy. The tone of the author is
conversational especially in the lines "You probably are
beginning to sense that both the id and the superego make life
rough for the ego. Remember that Freud considered
personality like…" The author uses a question at the start of
the fourth paragraph.

24. b Option (a) does not answer why the id makes life rough for
the ego. Option (c) is incorrect as the ego is partly
subconscious and partly conscious like the iceberg partly
submerged in water. Option (d) is distorted. It is anxiety that
triggers the mechanisms of repression and not the reverse.
Refer to the last line of the second last para "The anxiety
alerts the ego to resolve the conflict by means of defense
mechanisms." Option (b) is correct. The id is made up of
subconscious impulses that can be inferred as 'wanting
pleasure even if it causes harm'. The superego places moral
restrictions on this. Thus the life of the ego becomes rough.

25. b The 'id' represents the unconscious impulses which are often
dangerous for a person and have to be restricted by the ego.
The ego uses reason and interacts with reality and even
distorts it. The superego is the moral department. Option (a)
represents an unrestricted impulse which can cause harm to
the person. Hence it would most probably belong to the 'id'.
Option (c) is a conclusion based on reality. Hence it would
belong to the ego. Option (d) belongs to the moral departmentthe
superego. But option (b) seems to have been generated
by the conscience or the superego as it deals with right/

26. d The relationship between the words in the given pair is that of
antonyms. 'Opulence' means wealth or affluence. 'Pauperism'
means poverty. Option (d) exhibits a similar relationship,
'Clemency' means disposition to be merciful. 'Mercilessness'
is its opposite. 'Deportment' means the manner in which one
conducts oneself. 'Demeanor' means behaviour toward others.
'Convalescence' means recovery of health and strength after
illness. 'Recuperation' is its synonym. 'Anathema' refers to
someone or something who is intensely disliked or loathed.
'Bete noire' refers to a person or thing strongly detested or

27. d Statement 1 may seem correct but it has a spelling mistake.
The noun 'gallows' should replace 'gallow'. Statement 1 should
read as, "Who, by and large, are the men whom the gallows
swallow?" 'Gallows' is an instrument of execution consisting
of a wooden frame from which a condemned person is
executed by hanging. Its plural is gallows or gallowses.
Statement 4 has two subject-verb-agreement errors. The
correct sentence should read as '...-it is these people who
are the morning meal of the macabre executioner' as the
sentence takes various people into consideration.

28. a The second part of the sentence holds the key to solving this
question. Unattributed works are investigated. So, anything
that is unattributed will be investigated for its origin and source.
Hence, we cannot use 'authenticity' and 'truthfulness' in the
first blank. 'Plausibility' means the quality of appearing worthy
of belief; it is not fit for the first blank. So, only option (a) can
give the clear meaning of the sentence.

29. b Option (a) is incorrect as the author is discussing the
responsibility of writers like Benjamin but the author does not
pronounce any judgement on him. Option (c) is again an
inference beyond the scope of the passage as the author
seems to have just broached the topic of 'writers' responsibility'
and he has not made any judgement on them. Option (d)
cannot be inferred from the passage as Benjamin was aware
that his writings had an effect, but we do not know whether
he was fully aware of the effect of his writings on the
populace. Option (b) can be inferred as the possibility is open
that Benjamin's writings could have influenced the course/
trajectory of the red army. In fact the author seems to believe
that the writings and the trajectory of the red army could be

30. d All the statements given as answer options are untrue. In
fact, towards the end of the passage the author mentions
"But a difficult question remains. Does any kind of fuse or trail
lead from his words to their deeds? If so, it would mark a
striking instance of the general problem : how responsible is
a thinker for the fate of his/ her ideas? Such questions were
hardly foreign to Benjamin." These lines clearly show that
Benjamin, (an anarchist, according to the author) was not
unaware of the effect of his writings. The passage nowhere
states that the anarchists were aware of one another; it
states that the anarchists worked on their 'infernal machine'
without knowing of one another. (c) cannot be inferred from
the passage, as the idea of 'fighting against evil rulers' has
not been hinted at in the passage.

31. b Option (a) is part of the purpose but it leaves out the influence
of writers who give a spark to the dormant tensions. Option
(c) is discussed to a very small extent in the fourth para. The
passage is concerned about the responsibility of writers and
not the futility of talking about them. This makes (d) incorrect.
The primary theme of the passage can be broadly described
as ' Discussing the fact that the inner tensions in a population
are just waiting for a spark to blow up into a violent movement
- and that the responsibility of writers who fuel this needs to
be examined'. Hence option (b) emerges as an option that is
closest to the primary theme of the passage.

32. c The given argument highlights that the request for the protest
march satisfied all the mandatory requirements and the
government showed apathy by not responding to the request.
In option (c), it is mentioned that the landowner got the map
prepared from a government-approved architect, it shows
that he complied with the norms. No response from the
government shows its apathy; this equates it with the
reasoning given in the argument. Options (a) and (b) are
inconsistent with the reasoning given in the argument as they
do not highlight any instance of compliance or apathy. Option
(d) is incorrect because the criterion for compliance is not
fulfilled- the student knowing his subject well does not imply
that he will pass the examination.

33. c Option (a) is erroneous. The adjective 'at least' has been
wrongly written as 'atleast'. Also there is no word such as
'markmanship'. It is incorrect and it should be 'marksmanship'
which means skill in shooting. Moreover, the preposition 'of'
has been wrongly placed after killing. 'Killing Jackson' is the
needed noun phrase, they had to make sure of it and execute
with the requisite carefulness. The verb, 'make sure' is often
used with a noun to form a phrase. This error is also seen in
option (b). Option (b) has another imprecision: The adverbial
expression 'so much as' is distorted as 'so much so'. 'So
much as' is used as an intensive to indicate something
unexpected; even. The sentence means to say that none of
them had even seen a proper revolver. Using the expression
'so much so' would impart a vague meaning to the given
sentence, making it look awkward. 'So much so' means to
such a great degree. It is often followed by a clause beginning
with that. In option (d), 'marksmanships' is incorrect.

34. a The question statement clearly talks about wasteful
expenditure. So, the first blank should be filled with a word
that can mean profuse or to bestow someone with something.
For this 'lavish' is the best word. Moreover, the speaker intends
to communicate that something is done in memory of Mahatma
Gandhi. So 'commemorative' is the most appropriate word to
communicate the meaning of the sentence. Now coming to
option (b), extravagant already means something that exceeds
limits. So, 'extravagant excess' will bring redundancy error in
the sentence. Options (c) and (d) are incorrect as the second
blank cannot be filled with the word 'remembrance' or 'honour'.

35. c The tone of the paragraph shows a dichotomy. The key to
solving the question lies with the second blank, which should
convey the opposite meaning to the sense of contentment
displayed by America. 'Fastidious' (reflecting a meticulous,
sensitive, or demanding attitude) is the apt choice for the
second blank. Also, 'dysfunctional' (not functioning normally)
is the correct word for the first blank. Option (a) is incorrect
as 'complacent' should not be used for the second blank.
Similarly, 'sedated' in option (d) cannot fit the context. Option
(b) is incorrect as crotchety (Capriciously stubborn or
eccentric; perverse) does not fit in the second blank.

36. c In option (a), the relative clause modifies the noun 'town',
which gives a wrong impression that the town was usually
hated by the locals although its architects won a major Welsh
housing award in 2006. Option (b) also has the same error. In
addition to this, in option (b) 'bottle bank' has been incorrectly
written as 'bottles bank'. Option (d) has two errors- (i) a
comma is placed before 'that'; here that is being treated as a
restrictive clause and should not have a comma before it. (ii)
'it's architects' is incorrect; the correct usage here would be
'its' as the possessive form is required here. (iii) the expression
'most often usually' is a case of redundancy. It should be
either 'most often' or 'usually'.

37. c Option (a) can be inferred as a hurdle in doing justice to the
promise of justice. Refer to the discussion in the opening para
"Nevertheless, how is it possible to do justice to the promise
of justice? Especially when this very promise brings with it all
the suffocating memories of the disappointments, and worse,
that attend its history." Option (b) also is a hurdle as seen from
the lines "One obvious way to do justice to the promise of
justice is to realize its promise, yet this realization might be to
betray both promise and justice. For a promise of justice can
also be threat and its realization the wreaking of vengeance."
Option (c) is not a hurdle but a factor which revives the need
to do justice to the promise of justice. Refer to the line in the
first para ,"The prefigurations……….revive the force of the
promise, in spite of everything."

38. b Refer to the lines in the last para "The tension between
regarding the 'promise of justice' in terms of either divine
vengeance, on the one hand, or divine grace, mercy or
forgiveness, on the other, is not only an urgent legal and
political issue but also an intrinsic articulation of the promise
of justice itself." This leads to option (a). Option (c) can be
inferred from the lines in the second last para "Derrida confirms
his consistently held view that justice can only be promised;
to realize it is to betray its promise to calculation or vengeance."
The 4th line in the last paragraph clearly states that the character
of the justice promised is inseparable from the form of its
realization. This clearly contradicts option (b).

39. d 'Eschatology' is a branch of theology concerned with the final
events in the history of the world or of humankind. None of
the options come close to the meaning of eschatology.

40. a The implicit premise of GP's argument is that they are on
course. Satya, through his argument, has rejected this implicit
premise and this has led to a different conclusion. Hence,
option (a) is the correct answer. Option (b) is not the correct
answer, as accepting the truth of GP's premises does not
imply that GP's argument is invalid. Option (c) is not the correct
answer as Satya offers the reason for rejecting GP's implicit
premises. Option (d) is incorrect as Satya is not noncommittal.
He, in fact, feels that they need to stop.

41. b It is given in the question statement that the job of a counselor
requires no educational qualification. But this does not mean
that Mr. Padhai is not an educated person. So, in order to
weaken the reasoning one has to offer information that can
clarify the ambiguity of the question statement. Option (a) is
not the correct choice, as working at Career Launcher for
10 years does not weaken the reasoning.

42. b 'Lesion' as such is a damage resulting to body parts from a
disease. So option (b) is correct . The term does not connote
time-early/advanced symptoms. Hence options (a) and (d)
which respectively speak about 'early symptoms' and
'advanced signs' are inappropriate. Option (c) is incorrect as
the term does not imply dead body parts.

43. d Option (a) is explicit in the 3rd last line of the last para of the
passage. Option (b) can be discerned from the lines in the 4th
para, "The medical gaze required a new concept of pathology
as well as a shift in the place of death in the medical field."
Option (c) can be inferred from the discussion in the last para.
But option (d) cannot be inferred. Definitely the ultrasound
has added a new dimension to the medical gaze, but we
cannot infer that the stethoscope is redundant; the author
clearly mentions, "The invention of the stethoscope was
strategic in this process"

44. b Since we are looking at the author's purpose in quoting the
comment by Barbara Duden, 'we are overwhelmed with
fetuses.', in the overall development of the passage, we need
to look at the parts of the passage before and after the
comment. The comment is used to highlight the blinding effect
created by the images of the fetuses. So in the context of the
development of the passage the comment is used not only to
highlight the new medical stage but to draw attention to the
implications of the creation of the images of fetuses. This
makes option (b) score over option (c). Option (a) does not
qualify as the primary intent of the author. Option (d) is not
discussed in the passage. Although, the author raises a
question, "What are its political and ethical implications", with
reference to the images of fetuses but he does not pass a
judgement on it.

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