Thursday, 14 April 2016

OAs VARC 15.04.16

36. c Option (a) can be inferred from the first paragraph as well as
second paragraph where Andrew Simms points out that "there
is a risk that the world economy will be kick-started again,
without learning the lessons of the "consumption explosion".
This clearly suggests that the consumption levels will most
definitely not fall down. Option (b) can be inferred from the
fifth paragraph. The 'yawning gap' between consumption
levels of poorest people and the rich are mentioned. This is
justified by the example of the energy consumption by an
American vs a Tanzanian. Option (c) is the best choice because
the third paragraph mentions "if we bankrupt critical
ecosystems no amount of government spending will bring
them back"; it is not necessary that a thing which cannot be
restored cannot be conserved. Finance many not be able to
restore critical ecosystems but it might help in conserving
them. Option (d) can be inferred from the first three lines of
the passage where the author blames the rich nations for
putting the world under ecological debt and its consequences.
This is reinforced in the fifth paragraph- 'Just 7% of the global
population produces 50% of greenhouse gas emissions.'

37. c Option (a) refers to 'a point of no return' whereas the 8th
paragraph refers to nations that have crossed the bearable
limit of consumption levels. The given option suggests these
nations will never be able to fix this problem whereas this is
not suggested anywhere in the passage. Option (b) refers to
the habit of consuming resources at a high rate. This option
fails to recognize that such a habit is common only to a few
nations. Earlier in the passage, the report mentions the
difference between the consumption levels of a Tanzanian
and an American. Option (c) clearly explains the motive behind
referring to 'wasteful over-consumption'. The last paragraph
clearly explains that such wasteful over- consumption is not
sustainable. Option (d) cannot be verified from the passage
because the author does not suggest anywhere that one will
definitely lead to the next.

38. d Option (a) is incorrect because throughout the passage the
main point of the author is to explain that some nations' lifestyles
have gone into 'wasteful over-consumption' and this rate of
consumption is unaffordable by the planet. Hence, this option
goes against the views that are expressed in the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect because it isn not suggested anywhere.
Nef argues that even if the consumption levels of the poor
increase, they will fail to improve the quality of life beyond a
point. Option (c) is incorrect because even though reducing
the ecological debt is author's main concern and the overall
impact of focusing on qualitative improvements will lead to
lessening of the ecological debt; this is not the reason why
author refers to focusing on qualitative improvements. Option
(d) is the best choice because the passage explains in the 6th
paragraph that consumption's ability to improve life is limited; it
provides short-term gains only. When consumption becomes
over-consumption, it stops improving the qualitative aspect of
life. Hence human beings should shift their focus to more
qualitative improvements in life.

39. b Option (a) cannot be conclusively inferred as the author lauds
various aspects of Rowlings work but as regards criticismthe
author is mild and guarded in his approach and not entirely
explicit. Although, the author uses the terms 'equal-opportunity
appropriator' with reference to Rowling, he in no way means
to accuse Rowling. Moreover the tone of the author is not
derogatory. So plagiarism would be an excessive label. Option
(c) is incorrect. The author does not feel that the instances
having real world underpinnings are laughably childish. In
fact as evidenced in the 1st paragraph, the author only notes
that Rowling acknowledged Hermione's preparations (made
before launching into a particularly dangerous offensive) as
laughably childish. Option (d) is also incorrect. Refer to the
lines "…she may leave you quibbling over her seemingly
inexhaustible stock of narrative coincidences, but you brush
aside these concerns because you care about the
characters." So the element of love and care in Rowling's
book is quite predominant over the effect created by the
narratives. Option (b) is correct. In the first para, the author
discusses the negative points of the book. Refer to the lines
"Another factor that eats considerably into the element of
danger is that practically every move of Voldemort's is sensed
comfortably ahead-of-time by Harry, thanks to his psychicallyconnected
scar." So the 'scar-factor' eats into the danger or
reduces the effect of danger.

40. b Option (a) is incorrect. We do not know whether the
appropriations or the other works go into the intricacies of
human relationships though the book may have gone into
human relationships. Option (c) is incorrect. It is not only the
evil empire which has real world underpinnings. The book
has real world underpinnings. Option (d) is incorrect as the
initial lines of the passage state that 'the story of a group of
rebels seeking to bring down an evil empire' is not new to pop
culture storytelling. It is the real world underpinnings which
make the story different. Option (b) is correct and apt to
represent what the author feels about 'Deathly Hallows'.

41. c Option (a) is excessive as although the author is respectful
towards Rowling's work, but to say that the author is enthralled
or influenced, is an incorrect inference. Options (b) and (d)
are insufficient to reflect the tonality of the passage. Refer to
the opening lines of second paragraph "... not to say Deathly
Hallows is anything less than a nail-biting read. A rescue
operation inside the Ministry of Magic is thrillingly written, and
the climactic battle is a real rouser". In these lines, we see that
author's tone is admiring. Also read, 3rd paragraph, where the
author touches the lacking facets of the book, "...Rowling
may leave you dissatisfied with the ..." and suggests us to
brush aside these concerns drawing our attention towards
our liking for the characters. Thus, it can be concluded that
the author's tone is analytical. He likes to examine things very

42. c Option (a) is not the right answer as the purpose of nihilism is
not to establish itself after replacing the current social system.
Option (b) is not the correct answer, as nihilism cannot be
equated with delusion. Option (c) is the correct answer. The
lines from the first paragraph clearly state "the nihilist discovers
that all values are baseless and that reason is impotent. "Every
belief, every considering something-true," Nietzsche writes,
"is necessarily false because there is simply no true world".
This makes option (c) as the closest definition of nihilism by
the author. Option (d) is not the answer. Nihilism no doubt
opposes the social organization, but we don't have any
information to classify nihilism as an anarchist doctrine.

43. c Option (a) is not the correct answer as Nihilism was not the
primary reason for the collapse of the civilizations. Spengler
in his study noticed that the patterns of nihilism were present
as a conspicuous feature of collapsing civilizations but these
patterns cannot be claimed to be the primary reason for the
fall of these civilizations. Option (b) is not the correct answer.
The opinion in the option statement is opinion of Eugene Rose.
We cannot be sure that nihilism will definitely lead to a cold
and inhuman world. Option (c) is the correct answer. From
the lines "This collapse of meaning, relevance, and purpose
will be the most destructive force in history, constituting a
total assault on reality and nothing less than the greatest
crisis of humanity," option (c) can be inferred. Option (d) is not
the correct answer as we have no information to infer that
eastern doctrines use meditation and tantra for withdrawal
from the world.

44. d Option (a) is not the correct answer. It talks about the basic
values of nihilism. It emphasizes the redundancy of everything
including that of the consciousness. Option (b) is not the
correct choice. It appears to be a statement by a Nihilist. The
Nihilist has expressed that there are people who are not
willing to accept the ideas of nihilism. Option (c) is also talking
about the core ideas and tenets of nihilism. It talks about the
non-existence of the world and the inherent satire of a Nihilist.
Option (d) is the correct answer as it rejects the basic tents
of the nihilism. It clearly says that everything is something and
not nothing.

45. d Option (a) is incorrect because the modifier 'acting as a
facilitator or go-between' modifies the subject - the broker
who is the weak link. The word 'between' has been used
correctly in the sentence. Option (b) has one error. Even
though the subject - broker - has been placed correctly, the
word 'among' has been used incorrectly. 'Among' could have
been used if the communication were with one another within
a group or if the sentence referred to more than two parties.
However, if there is one-to-one correspondence, use
"between" even when more than two people, places or things
are being discussed. For example, "There is significant
disagreement on this issue between Germany, France and
Austria." Option (c) has three errors. Firstly, the subject has
not been moved to its correct place - right next to the modifier.
Secondly, the word 'among' has been used incorrectly. Thirdly,
the pronoun 'this' should be used in place of 'that person'
because 'this' is used for something or someone closest to
the thought of the speaker. Since the broker has been
mentioned, it is clear that the speaker is talking about this
person. Option (d) is grammatically correct.

46. d Option (a) contains two errors. First, the use of 'together'
with the word 'collaborate' is redundant. The word means to
work together. Hence, it is unnecessarily used in the sentence.
Second, there is a condition that is set in the given sentence.
Therefore, the word 'if' should replace 'when'. Option (b)
contains two errors. First, the conditional form 'if' should be
used in place of 'when'. Second it uses they for the collective
noun 'Faculty members association' which is being
represented as a single unit. Option (c) contains one error -
the error of redundancy. There is no need to use 'together'
with 'collaborate' because it means to work together. When
we remove 'together' from the sentence, the meaning of the
sentence is not altered. Option (d) contains no error.

47. b Option (a) is incorrect because the paragraph pertains to the
evolution and impact of "offshore" capitalism whereas this
option refers to how things were before the onset of this
new order. Option (b) is the best choice because the author
mentions the factors that enabled the evolution of 'offshore'
capitalism - offshore tax benefits and financialising of everyday
assets -which led to a major impact on world economies. This
'offshore wizardry' had its impact on world economies. From
discussing the evolution of 'offshore' capitalism, the paragraph
moves onto its impact on the world. Option (c) is incorrect
because, it goes away from the subject: it does not seem to
be a factor that enabled the evolution of offshore capitalism.
Option (d) refers to the final effect of 'offshore' capitalism
whereas the paragraph is still explaining how 'offshore'
capitalism evolved and shaped the markets and economies.
Hence, this statement does not fit in the given context.

48. b Option (a) is incorrect because the paragraph discusses the
inability of the modern industrial society to remove genderbased
inequality and then moves onto discuss the inability of
the legal system. This option deals with the inability of the
industrial setup whereas the paragraph has already moved
onto the next point. Hence, it is incorrect. Option (b) is the
best choice because it strictly pertains to 'equality' within the
purview of the legal system and how the law is unable to
translate 'legal provisions' regarding equality into action. Note
the keywords - 'legal provisions' and 'equality on paper' given
in the last line of the paragraph. Option (c) does not fit in this
context because it refers to what is needed (a complete
revolution in thinking) in society today whereas the paragraph
refers to the inability of the industrial system and the legal
system in altering gender-based inequalities in society. Option
(d) does not fit because it has been already established in the
paragraph that women have been proving their worth in society
by doing the same work that men do. This statement pertains
to the undying spirit of women whereas the paragraph has
moved onto discuss the inability of the legal system.

49. a Option (a) is the best choice because there is no grammatical
error in the given sentence. Option (b) is incorrect because
there is a subject -verb agreement error. 'The closing of illegal
shops….' is singular, so 'requires' is appropriate here. In the
sentence the relative pronoun 'who' should be used for
persons and not 'which'. Option (c) uses the future continuous
tense; however, the sentence establishes that these illegal
shops and buildings have already been built. So, the action
has completed in the past. Therefore, the use of future
continuous tense is inappropriate. Option (d) contains a
subject-verb agreement error, 'requires' should be used here.
Also, it uses the future perfect continuous tense which is
inappropriate in this case. This suggests that the builders
have not yet constructed these illegal shops but, the
construction will be in progress and will end in the future.

50. d Option (a) is incorrect because an incorrect tense is used
here. The word 'comes' should be 'came' because the
sentence refers to events in the past. Option (b) uses the
past tense correctly in the first part of the sentence but then
uses present perfect continuous 'has been working' instead
of the past perfect continuous tense 'had already started'.
Option (c) is incorrect because the first part of the sentence
uses the past tense but the second part 'comes' uses the
present tense. Option (d) is the best choice because it uses
the past tense appropriately.

51. c The paragraph refers to the nature, types and targets of old
joke tales. 'A' refers to certain characteristics that were mocked
in these jokes. E follows as it narrows down to focusing on
one type of jokes - stupidity. Then, D is an example of the
types of jokes in Estonia. Also the keywords mentioned in E
'different regions' leads to the example of Estonia in D. DCB
becomes a mandatory sequence since these three pertain
specifically to Estonia and the paragraph moves (from general
nature and types of jokes) to specific 'targets' of these jokes
like Foreigners. The pronoun 'their' used in B refers to the
'foreigners' given in C.

52. d The paragraph studies laughter both as a communicative factor
and as a stylistic device in narratives. It deals with laughter
as an expression of emotions in narratives. A is a conclusive
opinion about laughter which can be understood in many
ways and may not always function as a reaction to humour.
This idea is carried forward in C which is obvious as it uses
the pronoun 'it' for laughter. B explains how narrators can
underline their perspective by using various tools of language.
D suggests how this perspective can be studied. The pronoun

'this' is used for 'the standpoint'. Also, humour, irony etc
mentioned in D connects with the tools - direct comments etc
mentioned in B. E concludes the paragraph (note the keyword
-thus) by referring to the important role of laughter in narration.

53. b Note that the paragraph moves from research in 'conflict
settings' to 'training' for research. A introduces the importance
of health research in conflict settings. E follows as it explains
what is meant by 'conflict settings' and why is it difficult to
conduct research in such settings. D refers to those who
conduct research and what they should reflect upon before
starting this process. The keyword 'conflict settings' mentioned
in E connects with 'such settings' in D. C follows D as it
explains how the quality of such research can be improved.
The keyword 'training' makes CB a mandatory pair. While C
explains the need for training in a broader use, B explains
how exactly that can be used to further the cause of health
research in conflict settings.

54. d The relationship between 'Vicissitude' and 'Stagnation' is of
antonyms. One of the meanings of 'Vicissitude' is the quality
or state of being changeable; mutability. Similarly, 'diffidence'
which means unassertiveness is an antonym of
'assertiveness'. 'Vexation' means an act of harassing or
vexing. 'Chagrin' means disquietude or distress of mind caused
by humiliation, disappointment or failure. 'Mortification' is a
sense of humiliation and shame caused by something that
wounds one's pride or self-respect. Mortification' also stands
for the cause of such humiliation or shame. 'Naivete' is a naive
remark or action. 'Ingenue' is a naive girl or a young woman. It
also stands for the stage role of an ingenue or an actress
playing such a role.

55. b Option (a) is unworthy of being chosen, as the idiomatic
expression "like something the cat dragged in" means to look
very shabby, worn, exhausted, or abused. Option (c) is also
ineligible, as the idiomatic expression " like a cat on a hot tin
roof" is to be nervous and unable to keep still. Option (d) is
also inept to be chosen, as if someone is "like a bump on a log"
he/she is completely inert and does not react in a useful or
helpful way to the activities happening around him/her. Only
option (b) is in line with the purport of the given sentence(s).
"like the cat who swallowed the canary" means displaying
a self-satisfied grin. It is used to talk about a person who
appears self-satisfied or smug, especially while concealing
something mischievous, prohibited, or private. The phrases "I
won him" and "gloating over..." convey that the lady discussed
in above question had just had a great success. She appears
smug and very satisfied while concealing something private
or somewhat unacceptable.

56. d Option (a) may look close but it is not a sure-fire solution to the
question and is rather a bit unverifiable opinion which cannot
be the logical extension of the given paragraph. We do not
have any data given in the paragraph to substantiate the
certainty claimed by option (a) that the oceans are not at all a
source but only a sink of carbon from the atmosphere. The
recent CO2 increase in the atmosphere could be due to human
activities or oceans or any other untouched reason like fossil
fuel burning and deforestation. The question, "Where could
such a huge amount have come from?" remains unanswered
in the given text although the paragraph moves on the subject
of discussion: the repercussions of the carbon spike.
Moreover in option (a) and the paragraph itself, we see that
the fact that oceans are acting sinks of carbon does not
negate or eliminate the possibility that they cannot be the
source of the same. Option (b) talks about oceans and does
not pair with the last line of the paragraph and goes adrift
from the course of discussion. Option (c) is negated as although
it elaborates on the environmental change caused by industrial
revolution and Anthropocene, but fails to further the discussion
on the repercussions of the carbon spike. As the last line of
the given paragraph talks about the "long tail" of the
Anthropocene and option (d) elaborates the same, it can be
easily glued to the paragraph. Hence, option (d) is the obvious
continuation of the given text.

57. a Only pair A exhibits synonymous relation 'Turpitude' means
inherent baseness. 'Depravity' means a corrupt act or practice.
B fails to have such a relationship. 'Sentience' refers to a
feeling or sensation as distinguished from perception and
thought. 'Cognizance' means knowledge or awareness.

58. c Both the pairs demonstrate a synonymous relationship. 'Stolid'
means having or expressing little or no sensibility. 'Phlegmatic'
means having or showing a slow and stolid temperament.
'Heretical' refers to something or someone characterized by
departure from accepted beliefs or standards : unorthodox.

59. d None of the pairs have a synonymous relationship. 'Arch'
means principal or chief. It also stands for mischevious or
saucy. 'Arcane' means difficult to understand. 'Eclectic' means
selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines,
methods, or styles or something composed of element drawn
from various sources. 'Esoteric' means designed for or
understood by the specially initiated alone.

60. b 'Titillate' is to excite pleasurably. 'Titivate' is to make smart or
spruce. 'Sarcastic' implies an intentional inflicting of pain by
deriding, taunting, or ridiculing. 'Sardonic' is a synonym of
sarcastic; 'sardonic' means derisively mocking or disdainfully
or skeptically humorous.

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